Recent Successes: 4th Quarter 2023

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Industry Premium Line of Coverage
Banking $125,334 SIDE A & EXCESS BPL
Cleaning Company $21,000 D&O/EPLI/FID RUNOFF- 1ST TIME BUYER
Commercial Lender to Non-Profits $78,955 D&O/EPL/E&O
Construction $52,996 CYBER
Defense Contractor (with a newly formed ESOP) $37,329 D&O/EPLI/FIDUCIARY
K-12 School $33,000 D&O/EDUCATORS E&O/ EPLI
Mental Health Facility $43,000 D&O/EPLI
Real Estate $30,000 CYBER/E&O
Real Estate Advisor $82,500 EXCESS TECH/CYBER
Real Estate Developer $159,081 EPL/FIDUCIARY/E&O
Residential Real Estate Fund $19,000 D&O/E&O/FUND LIABILITY
Therapy Practice $22,400 CRIME & ERISA BOND
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